
Ben is finally in the UK

Last Saturday, I went to Heathrow to pick up Ben, one of our 2 cats, who had to stay apart from us and from his brother Mike for a period of 6 months, due to DEFRA's travelling requisites. The good part of this story, is that he is back. I'm really pleased because I missed him immensely. The bad part is that he is neither getting along with his brother, nor with me for that matter.
The day he arrived, I made a tour of our new home, so that he could sniff all the smells, see familiar objects and try to recognise some bits, considering we brought all our stuff from Portugal.
As soon as I put him in his room, Mike was madly thrilled to see his brother. Tried to lick him constantly and even hugged him. It was really sweet. The problem was that Ben's reactions towards this encounter have been a mix of sadness, neglect, rage and fright. He has been behaving like a wild cat. Indeed, a great mix of many confused feelings lie beneath his little mind and soul.

After 3 days, at least he is already able to eat side by side with his brother, and although they're not sleeping in the same bed like they used too, he doesn't seem to be so violent.
As for me, a bit of real fish today by lunch made him look for my cuddles a little more convincingly. And I even managed to get a reaction while trying to play with him.

I believe there are still many steps to overcome. Hopefully when his daddy comes home, he'll come round to his new reality. Same family, only different home.

Meanwhile... all I can do is wait.


Eduarda Magalhães said...

Compreendo como o Ben pode se estar a sentir. Mas é só uma questão de tempo.

isa said...


O que interessa é q já tens os teus filhotes junto de ti, com o tempo tudo se compõe!


Anonymous said...

poor Ben...:(